To most everyone, this day probably was just another Friday, but for me little did I know there was a lot and store. In order to tell the story properly, I have to go back to that Monday. This is the day that it All Began I woke up to find a gift in the bathroom which is very random I know but with this gift, there was a card and it explains how I was going to be celebrating my birthday week and every day I would receive a new gift!

So day 1: Monday
I got me a BOB, he is a Minion from the Minions movie and he’s very cute!

Day 2: Tuesday
I found this one sitting on my nightstand, and inside were 2 pearl earrings! Which I discovered later were part of a set!


Day 3: Wednesday
This wanna I just was in the front seat of my car and within it was the pearl necklace which was the second part of the set!

Day 4: Thursday
I found this one on my desk at work this was definitely my favorite so far, it was a charm that had mine and his birthstones and it said, Quimton and Manda. Yes I know we are weird but that is what we called each other:)

Day 5: Friday
So this is the day that I was talking about my birthday was two days away which was Sunday, but my sister Stephanie wanted to take me to town for my birthday the whole trip was a surprise she would not tell me anything! Honestly, she had me a little nervous. So it began with us going to Gainesville, we went to her and we went to a nail appointment we’re of course we had our nails done!

Then we did what girls do best SHOPPING!!! You can’t go to Gainesville without shopping everybody knows that well least the people that live in Little ole Lake City!


Once we finish shopping we went to bJ’s for those of you who are not familiar with them they have really good pizza and these things called Pizookies which are basically a big warm cookie with ice cream on top! We actually got that to go because we were pressed for time as I had a hair appointment that she has scheduled for me which meant I got my hair done!!

After the hair appointment, we went to a movie which FYI not the best movie we went and why trainwreck it was one that Stephanie had wanted to see! But it was not as good as the commercials made it look it was pretty rough. After that we had to get Coldstone of course, again anybody that knows me I can hardly ever go to Gainesville without getting chocolate, peanut butter ice cream cuz it’s the bomb diggity!


Best Ice Cream Around!


And after a day of her keeping me busy little did I know, we had at home once home I had a feeling something was a little off just because when we pulled in the drive Quinton was walking to the apartment and really out of breath. He told me that he had been running (like to work out) but he was in his work clothes and wearing a ball cap something seems a little fishy there!

( I found out, later on, she was at the farm setting up and he had to run home because he saw us driving up the road, he had also hidden his parents and grandparents in the pool House to keep me from seeing them)

Anyways so after he did explain to me why he was out of breath, he told me to go get dressed that we were going to dinner and that this would be my 5th surprise! So we go get ready we get in the truck if we drive what is it 30 feet down the road, and he turns into my grandparents his driveway (and at this point, I’m thinking what in the world is going on). We get out of the truck and apparently he said of this Nifty little clicker pushes his button and a tree lights up. He has this tree all set up he has it completely wrapped string lights and photos of us over the past 8 months, cute little bistro table, and chairs, with red ribbons, candles, dishes, roses, the whole nine yards as you can see in the pictures below!


And at this point I was starting to realize what was going down, my heart was starting to beat, he was sweating, I can see flashing lights in the background not really putting two and two together that someone was snapping pictures! And so as we are sitting there he hands me my last present, I open it and it’s a photo album, inside the photo album is A timeline per say of our dates! As I’m looking through it was so sweet he had saved the stubs of movies we’d seen, cards I’ve given him and such! Once I reach the back page there’s a sweet note which leads to an envelope and when I opened it, it says WILL YOU MARRY ME!! And then I looked and he’s sitting in front of me on one knee holding a ring! Course I say YES!


Thank you, Ben for capturing the moment!

He asked after that if I want to go say hi to everyone, what are you talking about.
And then out of nowhere like 45 people come piling out of the soda fountain at the farm, he had invited all of my family and his to celebrate with us! And so that’s just what we did and we had dinner and cake!

Grandpa had put a cute heart on the wall with lights around it, for those of you who don’t know this, my family has a wall at the farm or we have our family tree made out of hearts! When one of us gets married we take a chain from our parents his heart and connect it to mine and my spouse’s heart and my chain had been hanging there for who knows how long.


Honestly, probably since I was 16. So to say it was big deal would probably be an understatement because this is the day my family had been dreaming of for a long time. And well the rest is history stay tuned for the I do’s!

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